10. Pain in the abdomen Frequent waves of abdominal pain which gets aggravated with your position from standing to sitting or lying down then they...

Hair loss, also known as baldness for men, refers to partial or complete reduction of hair from different body parts due to many reasons....

1. Pain in the pelvis Pelvic pain and cramps may be normal in women, especially during the course of menstruation. However, a step must be...

Lung cancer is a type of a cancer that develops in the lungs and usually people that have had a past of smoking are...

11: Farm Raised Grilled Salmon (with skin intact) When salmon are farm raised, they are usually compacted in one small enclosure or sanctuary. Within that...

10. Weakness The first sign of oncoming stroke is the feeling of sudden weakness in the muscles of arms, legs and face. This weakness can...

10. Weight loss When a dog suddenly looses weight there are often two common causes, the first and more common cause is a parasite or...

What is HIV? HIV, otherwise known as the Human immunodeficiency virus, is a sexually transmitted disease that is commonly spread all over the globe. Chances...
essential oils cancer lavender

While doctors only recommend chemotherapy and radiation to defeat cancer, some others succeeded against this disease using alternative treatments. The use of cancer fighting...

10. Having Sleeping Problems. We always have a sleeping pattern that each of us adapts so as to have maximum rest. The thyroid is likely to...

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